At Rivertree Academy, we are committed to providing an excellent Christian education to every student. We operate as a tuition-based institution, but we are deeply committed to ensuring that our education is accessible to all, especially those within the Como neighborhood. We offer scholarships and fee reductions based on individual needs, striving to eliminate any financial obstacles that might hinder the choice of an exceptional Christian education.

The annual tuition rate to attend Rivertree Academy is $10,000. It’s important to note that the cost of delivering this outstanding education exceeds this amount. Therefore, we rely on the generous support of donors who partner with us to bridge the financial gap between tuition income and the actual cost of operating the school.


Rivertree Academy recognizes that the $10,000 tuition may pose a financial challenge for some of our families, so we remain dedicated to providing opportunities for fee reductions and scholarships to ensure that our tuition remains affordable and accessible to all.


  • Up to $5,000 annually

    ·       Reside in the Lake Como community

  • Up to $4,000 annually

    ·       One or more parent/guardian did not complete primary education or earn a GED

    ·       Physical disability or mental illness of child or parent

    ·       Parent/guardian serving or have served in the public service industry, including military, medical, fire, police, and/or other industries classified as public service

    ·       A child with a parent/guardian serving in the penal system

    ·       Parent/guardian who volunteers an additional 30 hours above and beyond the mandatory volunteer hours


Families who meet the outlined criteria may be eligible for supplementary reductions in tuition fees. It’s important to note that all fee reductions will be assessed in combination with the existing scholarship options available. The combined value of fee reductions and scholarships cannot surpass the total annual tuition commitment.

Contact us at 817-420-9310 for more information on how we can make Rivertree Academy affordable and accessible for your student.

“That’s what is different about Rivertree, there is love. You can send your kids there knowing they will be better people when they come out. You know your child is going to be taken care of, they are going to be listened to, and they are going to be learning.”

— Richard and Briauna Hunt, Rivertree Parents