We are a community elementary school in Lake Como for students in Pre-K3 through 5 th grade. We provide a different choice in education for Como families that is made possible by funding from generous community partners.

View our admissions criteria →



+ Complete an interest form

Submit an interest form online by selecting "Apply Now" or by calling or visiting the front office.

+ Shadow Day

Rivertree's Admissions Coordinator will reach out to schedule a Shadow Day.

  • During Shadow Day, students will complete testing to assess their academic needs. Kindergarten through 5th grade students will complete RenLearn testing, and Pre-K students will complete DIAL 4 Developmental Assessment.
  • Rivertree's Head of Curriculum and Instruction will meet with the student and their family after the Shadow Day to discuss Rivertree’s philosophy of education, required parental involvement, academic fees, and any address any concerns or questions.

+ Admissions Evaluation

After Shadow Day is complete the Head of Curriculum and Instruction, Admissions Coordinator, and Teacher will meet to discuss if the family should move forward in the application process. A rating scale will be used during the discussion and will include the following:

  • Does the student live in Como?
  • Are parents invested and willing to partner?
  • Are there any behavior or academic concerns?
  • For K-5, what are the current classroom dynamics (size, behavior / academic challenges, number of empty spots)?
  • Do they have a sibling at Rivertree?

If Rivertree decides the family should continue in the application process, we will use the following guidelines to consider admission:

Beginning of the Year:

  • Pre-K: 100% Como residents unless by June 1 there are remaining spots available. If there are 2 spots, one can go to a child with Como connections. If there is only 1 spot, it is reserved for a child in Como.
  • K-5: For every 2 spots, one can go to a child with Como connections. However, there must be several conversations with parents to assure they can make it work.

Mid-Year applications:

  • PK-5: For every 2 spots, one spot can go to a child with Como connections. However, there must be several conversations with parents to ensure they can make it work. If there is only 1 spot, it is reserved for a child from Como.

+ Acceptance and Application Completion

Once a decision has been made, the Head of Curriculum and Instruction will meet with the family to accept the student, put the student on a waiting list, or inform the family we will not be able to enroll the student.

If the student is accepted, they will then be given an application to complete prior to the student’s first day on campus.


“That’s what is different about Rivertree, there is love. You can send your kids there knowing they will be better people when they come out. You know your child is going to be taken care of, they are going to be listened to, and they are going to be learning.”

— Richard and Briauna Hunt, Rivertree Parents